No one knew this was the day my miscarriage began…
As a final year PhD student, delivered a presentation at our departmental retreat and won first place!
Went through 4 miscarriages in 4 years, had to resume normality each time.
Got laid off after becoming co chair of the women leadership team at my previous company.
Only in hindsight did I recognize how incredible I was to navigate physical and emotional grief while celebrating others joy and providing exceptional healthcare.
I am a nurse midwife, and was in the first trimester with my first and desperately wanted pregnancy. I came in to the birth center in the middle of the night for a laboring client. I started to have cramping but pushed it aside and continued providing hands on labor support.
Having a medical abortion… the next day traveling to staff a client at an event.
Having an medical abortion (D&C); and the next day traveling to New York from DC to staff a client at an event.
I started a company… then had a second trimester miscarriage.
I started a company last year, got pregnant, and then had a second trimester miscarriage in November.